Farallon Recorder Quartet Members
Vicki Boeckman
Frances Blaker
Letitia Berlin
Miyo Aoki
Between Heaven and Earth
The heavenly temple and stars below
From the stars to terra firma
All that lies between
With roots in the earth
The FARALLON RECORDER QUARTET was founded in 1996 to explore the vast and varied repertoire for four recorders, bringing music of the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Modern Eras to today's audiences with professional polish, verve, and precision. They are sought after instructors at workshops across the country and in Europe for all levels of recorder players from amateurs to young professionals. The quartet has twice been awarded grants from InterMusicSF to develop programs with guest musicians. Their CD recording, From Albion's Shores, has been described by Early Music America as "the sound one would get if one could turn honey into wood or stand underneath a caramel fountain."